Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How is acting for camera different than acting for stage?
A. Acting for the camera can be much more intimate and the communication distance between the performer and the audience is much closer which forces the actor to work in a different way technically.
Q. Do you teach children?
A. We currently teach students 13 and up due to some of the content we explore in class. We are developing classes for younger actors in the Southeast market. |

IAA Alum Katy O'Brian as George in Z-Nation on SyFy.
Image Credits Creator:The Global Asylum Credit:Oliver Irwin/The Global Asylum/SYFY Copyright:2018 The Global Asylum, INC. |
Q. Is this a class that would be a good fit for beginners?
A. This is a working class, so yes. It is designed to benefit both beginners and seasoned performers simultaneously and comfortably. And since we focus on camera technique, even very experienced stage performers find it challenging and productive.
Q. Can you help me get an agent?
A. We can certainly help you develop the tools and materials to gain representation. We will also help guide you on what to watch for by way of red flags and how to research a good fit.
Q. When do sessions begin?
A. Our classes are ongoing, allowing a student to continue their training and growth at their own pace. We do change topics monthly based on what is happening in the market and what the current group of students may need the most focus on.
Q. I want to learn to act and move to hollywood to become famous. Can you help me do that?
A. One of the things we stress with students is being realistic with your goals. The acting profession has a 95% unemployment rate and is loaded with people who want the quick path to stardom. The reality is it takes a tremendous amount of patience and a strong work ethic to be even a working actor. We work on keeping your head grounded on where you are and getting to the next level. If your goal is to be a working actor in LA, and you develop a body of work in a smaller market, learn proper protocols and procedures, get your union card and have a strong craft you could do well.
Q. Do you teach voiceover work?
A. We teach the craft of acting, which is used in voiceover work. We do not have a specific voiceover program.
Q. What method do you teach?
A. The work taught is a cumulation of knowlege gained over decades of work by our instructors. There are elements of several 'methods' which are incorporated in the training, very similar to how a MMA fighter utilizes different martial arts training. Our instructors studied various techniques taught by Uta Hagen, Stella Adler, Sanford Meisner, Eric Morris, Constantin Stanislavski, Lee Strasberg, Michael Chekhov, as well as practical on set experiance developed while working in the business.
Q. How much are classes?
A. Class tuition is based on the specific market or event and we make a conscience effort to keep the training reasonable and affordable. Please check specific workshops for rates.
Q. My friends think I'm funny. Does that make me a good actor?
A. No. It means your friends think you are funny. You may very well naturally possess the charisma and presence to become a good actor.